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Exploring our Connection to All Living Beings

Writer's picture: SabinaSabina

Updated: Jun 15, 2024

Have you ever wondered how your cat knows exactly when you're about to arrive home? Even if you come home earlier than usual, your cat seems to have a sixth sense about your arrival time. But how do they do it?

Nightly visit from a departed cat

All living beings possess the ability to sense and perceive the world in their unique way. To understand this phenomenon better, let's take a step back and consider an interesting study conducted at a university.

Researchers wanted to determine if plants have feelings and emotions.

They conducted experiments where lie detectors were attached to plant leaves. With meticulous care, the same person watered the plants at the same time every day, eliminating any variables. Then, the researchers introduced a new caretaker.

Initially, there were no noticeable differences in the plants' reactions to the new caretaker. However, after a few weeks, the lie detectors went haywire.

Of course, the scientists searched for a reason behind this sudden change. They were unable to identify any changes until an incoming phone call shed light on the situation:

The original caretaker, who was spending some time abroad, had been involved in a car accident around the same time when the plants had gone berserk.

Clearly, the plants had sensed the distress experienced by their beloved caretaker, even from a great distance!


In our society, we have pushed them back, but the ability to sense all living beings extends beyond plants and animals. We are all energy, and therefore we are all linked through this energy.

Over the years, my back-and forth journey took me from childish openness to rational human thinking in international companies and then back again…or shall I say forward...following my dream…to share my reality and my heart completely with all living beings.

With this change, miracles have come back into my life.

Nowadays, not just humans do reach out to me, but sometimes it is their animals

Let me share some examples:

One night, I felt Osiris, an international client's cat, jumping onto my bed.

I did capture very clearly that Osiris was here, and he was panicked. Instead of questioning the reality of this situation, I did help the frightened cat calm down and finally sleep soundly by my side.

The following morning, an overwhelming message reached me:

12 hours ago, the river next to my client's house had risen over the banks and flooded their house in a very short lapse of time, forcing everyone to evacuate within minutes. The humans managed to escape with the help of the firefighters, and their dog joined them swimming through the flood! But Osiris, the cat, went up to the highest place possible and hid under the roof. Scared to death, he did not let them catch him and was unable to leave the flooded house.

Osiris, a cat living thousands of miles away from me, chose to find shelter on my bed! What a wonderful proof of our deep connection, and what a blessing I could help him relax! 



Here is another recent story showing my deep connection to all living beings: while meditating, I sensed some commotion among the ponies in the nearby village. Curious, I headed over to investigate. When I arrived, I saw the owner struggling to catch one particularly elusive pony. It was clear that the more he tried, the more uncontrollable the pony became. So, I offered to help.

With the owner's agreement, I took the lead. Connecting with the irritated pony wasn't easy, but I persisted with patience and empathy.

After about an hour or so, the pony changed his attitude. Thanks to the trust I had built, he finally accepted the owner approaching him and bringing him back into the yard.

I felt a deep connection with the horses educator world, and a great thankfulness, knowing I had helped bring this elusive pony safely back home.


The third story I'd like to share in this post is about Silky, a friend's dog. I had not seen her for months when Silky suddenly 'invaded' my space. Here she was Silky, jumping around in my inner eyes, calling for help.

“My head hurts!”  and “My eye hurts!“ - Her message was so clear and scary that I called Silky’s person right away. 

My friend revealed Silky had been unwell for two days after injuring her eye while playing with a Frisbee. Despite attempts to alleviate her discomfort, Silky's eye remained shut.

Recognizing the urgency of the situation, my friend swiftly took her to the vet, where they assessed her eye and spine, followed by a session with an osteopath.

I continued assisting Silky over the next 10 days, as she was still in pain. No running or playing, but two energy healing sessions with me finally helped Silky to recover.


Encounters like these fill me with profound gratitude. They emphasize a fundamental truth – that even when separated physically, our connections of energy, affection, and love persist.

 It is a genuine blessing to receive the calls from the animals

If you are eager to tap into this extraordinary ability, take the first step by being mindful of the energy and thoughts you project.

By controlling what you project, you can further enhance your connection with your animals and potentially unlock a whole new level of understanding.


It is possible to find new and different ways to help your animals.

Looking for assistance? Please reach out, I will be more than happy to help.

Feel the Connection to All Beings, withTrust and an open Heart 

What Clients say

"Very interesting about Samaya:  She stopped peeing on the dog bed after you spoke to her and was unusually affectionate."
 Iris, Germany

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